Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Some screenshots

Bryan suggested some screen shots of what's working. Just a pair of very, very simple examples:

Here we can see the main function of the frontend (run code) and some of its code in the back. (Yes, I'm very used to graphical editors)

And here we can see my yakuake terminal with some useless stuff and a terminal frontend for ipython which connects to the same kernel (i.e.communicate through the same ports), this one changing the value of 'a' which has been already assigned in the IPythonQt window, so a message appears in the new widget on the right (plz don't heed the preview).

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Added features to June 29

What can you do?
When you open IPythonQt you see a menubar and a (still undeletable) input cell in which you can write ipython/python code.
You can execute the code written by pressing Ctrl+Return (shift doesn't work, I dunno why), or just go to the menu 'evaluate'.
You can call a context menu inside the cell which besides the standard buttons it has a new one to delete the cell.
If you right-click somewhere else in the notebook, a tiny context menu should appear to append a new input cell or to delete the last focused cell. A focused cell is the last you clicked, not the last you hover.
If you connect another frontend to the same kernel, another widget will come out with the info of the variables that changed and the user.
Some shortcuts has been created for the keyboard lover:
Ctrl+UpArrow goes to the previous cell
Ctrl+DownArrow goes to the next cell
Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow goes to the previous executable cell
Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow goes tot he next executable cell
Ctrl+Shift+N appends a new cell
Ctrl+Shift+Delete removes the current cell
Ctrl+Return Executes the current cell if it's executable
Ctrl+Q Quits

What you cannot do (yet):
The code still doesn't capture pyout, so code like:
|a=10  |
|a        |
won't produce any output.
Calls to raw_input, %, !, system commands, tab completion, function tooltips, gdb and help.

Work right in progress:
Stdin support, since I have to have it finished for the mid-term evaluation, it's the main concern. The popup widget it's finished but there's still the raw_input function in the kernel that needs to be implemented correctly.
There's a new output cell if the same input cell is modified.
There's a discussion in the mailing list about if the different outputs from the same input should be on different cells (packable) or in the same cell.
The resizing of the cell when the block(line without '/n') is larger than the size of the window. For what I've seen this is not trivial.

Testing IPythonQt

For you to test IPythonQt you first need to set up some stuff first:

  1. Install the following: git g++ cython uuid-dev python-qt4-dev pyqt4-dev-tools , I think that would be enough.
  2. You also need to install zeromq and pyzmq from sources here's a good guide to do that.
  3. Take into account that you need python2.6.
Now you can download IPythonQt's code from
check if you are in the right_branch (ipythonqt, not master): git branch
if not right_branch:
    git checkout ipythonqt
cd ipython/IPython/gui/qt
run ./
Open a new terminal and run ./

Obviously it's not working with all its features, I just remove some dock widgets that were in the original design of the main view, but they're just commented because they don't do anything yet.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Repositories GitHub

You can check the progress at GitHub:

The commits are a little slow because some issues with GitHub and its ssh keys